Friday, 16 January 2009

Kuala Terrenganu Election

I taking a punt on PAS's Abdul Wahid Endut to win the election.

Initial hypothesis

1. PAS teach BN a lesson" for "their arrogance, their corruption­"
- Vote buying tactics ( as documented by Jeff Ooi, i am assuming what he observe are true) by rich Barisan Nasional may 'alienate' the malay voters who against corruption.

2 . PAS main line of attack : "This election won't change the BN's power balance in Parliament, but it will make our voice stronger,"
- protest votes by voters
- influence on fence sitter too
- Dr Mahathir attack on Barisan 's chosen candidates which is well documented in Malay tabloids.

If i am a voter, i would stay home. Both sides are evil - whether its Hudud or Corruptions

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